Lake George at sunrise
(for title reasoning, see comments on below post) Yep, another picture from the waning ranks of those remaining on the computer. The morning I took this picture and the one below I was enthralled with the beauty - it was completely silent, and the colors were all shades of black, white, blue, and yellow. The palette was lovely. I didn't really do a good job of capturing any of it, but I do like to post photos, so here they are.
I'm going to be out for a few days. I have a conference to attend until Thursday.
I found out over the weekend that my grandpa is not well, and this morning I discovered that my boss is in the hospital. Not good news. Both of them are strong and wonderful, and it hurts to think about their mortality.
I guess that's all right now. Best to you all.
Looking over these photos... wouldn't they be so much nicer without the stupid buoy?! I pretty much blocked out the buoy when I took the photos, but there they are, big as life. Meh.
Agh, I didn't know you were gone until Thursday!!! What's a BF to do?!
I do hope everyone is doing better, especially your grandpa. Keeping my fingers crossed. The pics are actually quite lovely, unfortunately I see 'the head' floating along now. Man, I think I have issues. I mean, who sees a head on the surface attached to a supposedly very tall body that just happened to walk into the frame? Eesh.
What a beautiful picture, and how lucky you are to live close to a place so gorgeous.
I hope your grandpa and boss are feeling better soon.
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