01 February 2007

Number 103 (or... not.)

Unrelated photo: Casey, mom & dad's dog. Such a pretty girl!
Well, here goes... and I have to pause to say that this is a good way to jump start myself out of my horrid mood... Number 103 reads: "....................... " Huh. As of this moment, I have discovered that numbers 101 - 110 are missing! Horrors! Well, then. I suppose I'll have to come up with an extra ten things myself. Just not right now. If anyone has any suggestions (all three of you who read here), feel free to leave them in the comments. Meanwhile, I need a new number. That number shall be...41. Number 41 reads: "Watch the clouds go by." Check! If I had my camera here, I would go take a picture. As a corollary, I'm going to go outside for a short walk.


Anonymous said...

- Doodle a quick study of your hand, or foot, or shoe!
- In a similar vein, draw a turkey using the outline of your hand like you did in kindergarten, fill in all the details
- Take a walk and give all the Latin names for every single flora you see. If you don't know it, write it down, find it out, and memorize it.
- Post a recipe on your blog that you have created entirely on your own. Be as specific with measurements as possible.

LittlePea said...

I like the recipe idea.

How about: doodle happy faces on each of your fingers--I'm just kidding-that's too silly!
I'll have to get back to you on that one-I'm not feeling so creative today-I was in a dark mood myself the past couple days.

Anonymous said...

List five things you're grateful for, everyday, either first thing in the morning or last thing at night.