...even those that are well out of date! I'm procrastinating putting up more timely photos because I'm afeared of the rigamarole involved in getting the pictures from the camera to the computer. Obviously I've done it before, but it always seems to end up with me reloading the software each and every time. Yes, I understand that that makes me something of a dunce. Or, if not duncely, at least too lazy/impatient to figure out why I'm constantly having to reload software. At any rate, the above is sunrise over Lake George in NY, taken on a camping trip back in October/November (can't remember). The dark ball is some sort of buoy. Almost monochomatic, this photo.
As usual of late, I don't have much to say. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed with school/work/life right now - I go through minor panics every other week or so. It all seems undoable in the midst of these attacks. Thankfully, I get through the panickiness without much bruising and generally do fine.
Let's see, what else? Nothing much in the way of exciting. I'm doing more soil isolations of Penicillium species, but that doesn't really count as exciting in the real world, I'm guessing. Other than that... I'm just tired. I reinjured my (stupid, annoying) post-surgical knee with a cartoonish near-fall on some ice on my porch; it's now swollen and fluid-filled once again. I miss my mom and dad and brother right now. There's a white-throated sparrow in my feeder at the moment. I have a damaged jug of hydrochloric acid on my desk, awaiting a return shipment label. My little windowsill herb garden is growing fabulously - I will be transplanting it next week; the chamomile is especially tall and lovely at this point, with the basil and oregano not far behind. Blah blah blah.
I'll sign off now. I'm not setting anything on fire with this droopy, monotonous prose. Until later, best to any who read - I wish you safe and relaxing weekends.
p.s. Deb - you made me smile with your tale of your first head-to-toe exam! I'm glad to hear you've gotten much better with time - gives me hope for the likes of myself. Right now it feels as though such things will never be second nature. Time and practice, right?
Time and practice is right. My first bed bath was even worse. I had an old man who was incontinent, bed ridden and wearing a diaper. I washed him from his head down to the top of his diaper and then from his feet up to the bottom of his diaper and then I covered him back up. No peri care! His nurse must have cursed me when she found him but I was way to embarassed to take off his diaper and look at his package.
Those days are long gone. I seen so many packages, nothing fazes me anymore. Which is probably a good thing.
I'm sorry you hurt your knee-poor you!
I love white throated sparrows. I love their song! I have a painting of one that I painted in my room. Growing up in the south, I never heard one before and I was constantly asking everyone what kind of bird it was. I couldn't speak enough french to ask them what kind of bird that was whenever I heard it singing outside my window. They don't speak english at all so the best way I could ask them was to say-"l'oiseau qui cante le chanson triste que j'aime beacoup" which translates to "that bird who sings the sad song that I love so much". Finally I had to look it up in a birdlovers' book. I can't think about Canada without thinking about that bird....I hope your knee feels better.
Nursing is definitely not for the faint of heart! Diapers! Aggghh!
I hope your knee feels better soon, Anne. Ouch.
Intersting thing with that photo - to me it looks like a head. Like there is someone really tall just walking along with only their head sticking out. Ice and knee surgery don't pair well. I have to say that I thought of you the other day. I had an MRI on my knee and almost fell off the MRI table. I just told them, well, if I was going to hurt myself they could just rescan me then. I do hope your knee settles back into happiness somewhere along the way soon!
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