So, hi. I'm still feeling pretty quiet, though my head is stuffed full of thoughts and ideas and other assorted mayhem. There's a male red-bellied woodpecker snorking down seed in my office window feeder, and I'm drinking a cup of cold coffee. The sky is bright blue with some slender clouds in it. Life is pretty ok. It's a fragile thing, this life.
My big weekend plans are to study study study, and then probably sigh about the unfairness of it all, and then study some more. I'll clean the house, make some food to last into next week, and maybe get a chance to read a little. I also want to make a list of things I want to do. I keep putting that off. One thing I have meant to do forever now is to get better at winter identification of trees and shrubs. I have a key, I just need to get at it. I also want to start planning my garden for the summer. On top of all of this, I think I'm also going to come up with the cure for depression. What do you think about that? T'would be nice indeed if it was just that easy.
I will leave you with a quote from one of my journals from Sri Lanka. Shannon has already seen it, but I have to share it because it makes me laugh so, especially given my complete ennui with regard to the situation:
"6/27/95, 6:50 am. Well...some exorcist is coming today, and he's staying for the full day. Oh, GOODY. Just when I thought I'd be able to work all day... oh, I know what you're thinking, "What a rich cultural experience!" Folks, every DAY here could be called a "rich cultural experience." I don't need loudly chanting weird men haunting the house all day long, interrupting my work, to enrich my life. My life is quite rich enough, thank you very much. I haven't figured out yet why he's coming - from what I've gathered, it seems there's a devil in the house causing Nalika to be sick. I'm not entirely sure, though."
Good weekends to you all! I will be continuing with the 150 things (140?) on Monday.
Rock on with your bed self and your cure for depression. Maybe call on that Sri Lankan exorcist?
Hey Anne, you should read "Red Truck" by Michael Perry. It's funny, and he hits on everything from fixing up an old truck-drooling over seed catalogues during the winter months, nursing and falling in love.
This weekend I'm going to plant my own herb garden- inspired by you!
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