07 March 2007

Blurred, but with eyes open

Tiny Queen, eyes open at last
So, yeah - there she is, my kitteh! Curled up on The Fuzzy Penguin Blanket (of olde - I got it my freshman year in college, which means it would qualify for carbon dating at this point). I was home yesterday, spending some extra hours studying for my midterm (which went horribly wrong... I've already used up all my energy ranting about it to everyone I know, just about, so the story of the midterm will have to come later)... and I took the opportunity to photograph my fuzzy girl in the sunlight, sans flash. I haven't mastered the use of the camera yet - as you can see, blurriness abounds - but it seems as though every picture I put up of my cat has her squinting or with eyes closed. No, this is not important in the grand scheme of things, but it's bugging me, and God knows we can't have that.
I am in a terribly irritable mood today. It has to do with lots of things, including my new jihad against the way my school chooses to test future nurses. As I said, I will get into that later. I also had respirator fit testing today - not a horrible thing, but it would seem that I have no future in deep sea diving, astronauting, or anything at all involving wearing a mask on one's face. I managed to keep from ripping the mask from my cranium (and following that with dramatic gasping for air) throughout the nine minutes I had to wear the thing, but just barely. It's funny what you can still discover about yourself even when you've lived with yourself your whole life. Which begs the question of why I even have a mask. Theoretically (well, in fact, but it seems like theory), I am a certified pesticide applicator in this state, for which I need a fitted respirator. In reality, I never do any spraying, and that's probably a good thing, given my apparent tendency toward panic within a mask. Anyhow, that's another thing adding to my irritation. I also haven't finished my homework for clinicals, I had to waste time and gas to go home at lunch to retrieve my forgotten name tag for the nursing home tonight, I am very tired, I have cramps, I have a brilliant red and very much picked-at zit right between my eyebrows, I am feeling like a fat cow (moo), I have a headache, and I want to punch a wall. I am completely at odds with the universe at this moment, and I am well aware of the irrationality of much of this emotional foolishness, which further adds to my discomfiture.
Anyhow, my cat is cute. That helps.


Anonymous said...

She looks so tiny! And dainty! I don't know how I ended up with three behemoth cats. But then, I don't know how I ended up with THREE cats.

I hope you start to feel better, Anne. A bad midterm can always be so upsetting--I've been there.

LittlePea said...

You have a kitty! I wish I had read that before I left a comment this morning. She's a cutie.
I'm sure you'll get through just fine.