11 April 2007


Apple blossoms in the greenhouse
Since I took this photo, all of the trees in the greenhouse (20 or so) have burst into bloom, so I need to take some more pictures - they're so pretty, and they smell heavenly.
I have no time to write right now - I have a bunch of school stuff to get together for this afternoon's clinicals, and somehow I also have to rake brush out of a large portion of the orchard. Too much to do, too little time. I will write more tomorrow. Just wanted to check in - and to get the celebrity photos off the top of the page.
Until later, ta.


Leslie said...

So pretty! Today it's sunny but coooold in Seattle - it was only 38 degrees when I woke up. It's supposed to get up to 54, but we'll see. I wish spring would just get here and put down her roots, so to speak!

Anonymous said...

Oh, that's a pretty picture! I love that delicate pink. It is definitely STILL winter here. (It's making me very grumpy!) Good luck with all your busy school work.

Anonymous said...

So many of our flowering trees are already done flowering, but the cherries and magnolias are now out in full force. Man, I do love me some spring!

Kristi said...

So beautiful. This picture reminds me that spring is coming, even though the weather has been AWFUL here in upstate NY.

LittlePea said...

How pretty. It would make a nice painting.