23 May 2007


Hiya. No real time to write, but I wanted to point out this website: http://www.petswithdisabilities.org I stumbled across it in my search for jobs (don't ask; sometimes I go far afield and get trapped by certain sites, such as this one). They are doing a wonderful service. If you want a pet, please do not go to a pet store to get it. There are too many needy critters out there who would make wonderful companions - buying an animal from a pet store leaves those critters one more home shy of a permanent place to live, and it supports puppy/kitten/bird/reptile mills. Even if you can't take care of a special needs pet, please adopt from your local shelter. Above all, get your pet spayed or neutered! This has been a public service announcement. Please please keep it in mind.


Roxanne said...

Since Bob Barker is retiring, we need someone to keep the message out there. :)

LiVEwiRe said...

Roxanne has a good point there! I always discourage people from going from buying a pet. There are so many reasons, but from experience I can say I've loved all of my foundlings dearly. Ok, with the exception of Benny. He'd test a friggin' saint. Pets should be recycled as they still want to give love and crave to be loved.

Kristi said...

I'm so glad you posted this, because it's such an important message that so many people just ignore. My dad and my younger half-sisters just bought a "designer dog," a puggle-half pug half beagle, despite my sister's and my admonishments. Such a sad thing when people ignore the millions of wonderful shelter animals in need to homes in favor of "the latest pet fad."

LittlePea said...

Good job Anne. Spaying an neutering is something I always nag people to do. I always cringe when I hear someone say that they want their pets to have babies. As if there aren't thousands of animals begging to be adopted....