17 July 2007


Mah girl
Well. It's been a bit of time since I've written. I'm still here, still wanting to write, but not really having the time or motivation. The next big technology should be streaming your thoughts out into the ether - anyone who wanted could pick them up, or not, and there wouldn't be the bother of actually having to write them down or type them in or check your spelling and grammar. Ah, yes - the phenomenal laziness and narcissism of the American psyche! There isn't much to update, really. More of the same same same. I did start Weight Watchers 3 weeks ago, and the same for regular gym attendance. On the flip side of that, my left knee (the one that wasn't the object of surgery some months ago) has developed horrible tendonitis. Glee. Let's see... I'm visiting Ohio this coming week. My parents didn't end up visiting because I told them not to come after M. and I had a falling out. I fly out on Friday and return the following Friday. I'll get to see my grandpa and one set of aunt/uncle, with a possibility of cousins. I'm looking forward to it quite a lot. I don't think I'll get into a snit of some kind with my dad, but that ever remains to be seen. Nothing else right now. I don't have a picture of the rescued kitty because my camera batteries weren't charged (I will remedy that soon), but he's doing fine, and his name is Mac(Intosh). My new coworkers (most of whom I never see, since I only work there on Saturdays) liked that name best. He's a pain in the ass to medicate - I had to dose him this past weekend. He had a swollen scrotum post-surgically, hence the antibiotics. He's a strong little guy, and he was ever so displeased with being medicated. His black fur was adorned with Clavamox after the fact. Anyhow, enough out of me. Bo-ring. Ta for now.


Anonymous said...

Sorry about your knee! Both my knees are giving me hell. Have fun in Ohio.

Anonymous said...

I wish everyone's knees speedy healing!! Also, I forgot you were going to Ohio. Drat.

LiVEwiRe said...

Hey, a trip to Ohio! Enjoy your time with the fam! Be sure to wave as you drive by my place. ;) Be kind to the knee. Oh, and I hope the Clavamox doesn't mess up the opposite end of meestor kat. It has a tendency to have that effect.

LittlePea said...

I love that name!!!

Take care of that knee.