29 August 2007
...two entries in a single day? GET OUT.
Indeed, my second entry of the day! I'm sure it will be equally as thrilling as any.
I'm stopped at my office on the way home from class. I wanted to check on the status of the kitty I've started feeding. I took the chance of leaving some canned food out, something I really shouldn't be doing. It's too stinky and quite likely to attract other critters. Of course, I have been leaving dry food out, and given the noses on said critters, that's probably just as stinky. At any rate, the food is gone, so she's probably been here. I really hope I'm able to get my hands on her sooner than later.
Class was incredibly monotonous tonight. It was the first day of clinicals, ostensibly; we met on campus and went through all the protocols necessary to start working at the hospital next week. We had to take a test that the hospital assigned, a bunch of stuff referencing a 67 page handout we were given. It was a bit of a crock - there were typos galore, missing sections, missing test questions, and missing answer spaces. It was obnoxious. On one level, I understand the need for it (it addressed everything from HIPAA to radiation safety to CPR to MRI safety, to my favorite - Erik Erikson's developmental stages)... but really? If you want to use such a test in a serious and just manner? You should probably make sure it's actually put together as it should be. Just a wild notion on my part, perhaps.
Moving on. Speaking of Erik E., I am beginning to think that I am really going to have to pay attention to his bloody stages of development. I have now learned about them in two psych classes, and nursing seems to really stress them as well. It's annoying. Maybe I am the problem here (lightbulb moment?). Clearly his work is important to other people. Mayhap I should take notice. His stages of development do have merit, and I understand that merit. I think what annoys me is that so much of what he says is pretty much common sense, so it irritates me to have to memorize specifics, over and over and over again, to be able to answer test questions correctly. His theories are beginning to remind me of the Kreb's cycle. I can't even tell you how many times I've learned that damned thing and I still don't remember it. I understand what it means, its importance, and I can certainly look it up with assurance and am quite capable of explaining it, but I couldn't write it down even if my life was threatened. Well, maybe bits of it. The point is, I seem to be resistant to keeping certain kinds of information in my head. So, yeah. If the nursing school thinks I need to have a close acquaintance with E. Erikson, I suppose I should make sure that happens.
Hmm. What else to say? Nothing on the possible new employment front. The veterinary practice where I've been working has no hours for me in September beyond this coming Saturday, according to a message the practice owner left on my machine last night. Which is really a bummer. He says that could change, and I'm sure he'd like to keep me around, but his obligation is to his current employees, which I understand. He said we'll talk on Saturday. It's been such a relief to work there, if I have to work at a veterinary hospital, because they actually let me do the things I know how to do. Speaking of which.... (warning: snark ahead) one of my classmates is a licensed vet tech in this state. I've talked to her before, kind of trying to be friendy (ed. - and I do mean friendy, not friendly... just a style note!) with her... she's been ok, but she's always struck me as rather stiff and... hmmm. Angry? Irritable? I'm not sure. At any rate, I haven't gotten to know her very well because she's never been in my lab or clinical groups, just lecture. Last night, I tried again, telling her that I've been working at a veterinary practice once more. I thought this would spark conversation. Really, all it sparked was her making remarks about how hopefully I was being supervised in what I do because I'm not licensed in this state. Yeah. Ok. Up yours, uptight classmate. That's just annoying. No more veterinary talk with her.
Well, that's about it. The more I write, hopefully the better I'll be, and the more readable. If you want, bear with me. If not, that's ok too.
Until the morrow, ta.
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1 comment:
I'm hanging in there. Keep writing.
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