10 September 2007


...I missed posting on Friday. I had no time, no time at all. I really don't have much time today either, though I have a smidgen more because it's pouring rain - which puts a damper (hardy har har) on apple harvesting. I have plenty of other stuff to do, especially because my boss is starting to panic about my imminent departure - too much to do in too little time. No real news to report. It seems I compose these wonderful posts (well, interesting posts - wonderful is perhaps a touch overstated) in my head when I'm nowhere near a computer... and then, faced with a blank blogspace, I can think of nothing more than prosaic day to day minutiae. Whee! I haven't seen the kitty since last Wednesday night, which is both upsetting and not. Upsetting because - naturally - I was getting attached to him. Not, because that means I don't have to find somewhere for him to go. On the whole, I wish he'd show up again. Things I've been thinking about posting about, just to get it started: - how much I still miss my ex; how sorry I still am about how things went. - the impact of depression over the course of my life (yeah, that one sounds like fun, eh?) - what I really believe about life, ethically, morally, and spiritually. - my thoughts on having children - or, more to the point, not having them. - what I would do with my life if I had no limitations. - what I think/how I feel about relationships - in general, and mine specifically, including those with M., my dad, my mom, my brother... etc. Part of the reason I haven't gotten to these things is because when I have a moment to write, that's all I have - a moment. A moment isn't long enough to get into the things that are banging around in my head, taking them apart and putting them back together in a way that makes sense. Very often, I think better when I'm writing. Well, that's all I have time for at the moment. Ta for now. Hope your weekends were good ones.

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