27 November 2007

Need I say it? More photos. That's where my heart is right now, apparently.

White oak leaf, among others
Up the lane
The last dandelion!
Red oak leaves
Cherry branches and sky
Birch and sky
That's all for right now. Presently, I'm trying to think of some reason not to go to class. I do this every week. I never find a reason not to go. I'm very tired of school, and I'm very tired of having these long, long days. Buck up, right? If I pass, I have three more semesters of this!
Anyhow, ta for now. I'm tired. Wish me well.


heartinsanfrancisco said...

I love your photos. They're really beautiful.

I'm missing true Fall here in California, the Falls I remember from the Northeast, so all reminders are most welcome.

When school is over, you'll be very glad you went so hang in there.

Anonymous said...

And you didn't go to class after all, yay! Also, beautiful oak leaf!

velocibadgergirl said...

Hiya! Thank you so much for the sweet comments on my site! It does sound like we have a lot in common. I am loving your photos!

Nice to "meet" you! :D

LittlePea said...

Nothing wrong with phtots! Nothing wrong at all.

sher said...

Beautiful pictures, Anne. I hate tired days too.

Rurality said...

I saw an article about something near and dear to your heart!
