05 December 2007


I want to throw things at the wall, or perhaps punch someone in the face. As usual, I am underslept, my marriage is all kinds of tangled, I am running to catch up with schoolwork that is due in mere hours - stealing time from my actual job, which causes me terrible guilt and stress, and you know what else? I have to wear a white uniform to clinicals. What sort of underwear did I wear today? BRIGHT BLUE. And you know what else? (tmi, but at this moment I do not care) (which should probably stop me from writing this, but no...) My period started just now. Which goes just about as well with translucent white pants as does bright blue underwear. (flails, punches at nothing, screams, froths at the mouth) Alrighty then. Ta. Until later.

p.s. (the next day) Also? I wore a red bra. According to my dear classmates, you couldn't really see the patriotic underwear - the white uniform completed the package - but really? You could, a little bit. Oh well. I'm less overwrought than I was yesterday, so now I know better that my underwear couldn't matter less. I apologize for the insanity. School/work/relationship issues have me a little nuts.


Anonymous said...

I'm with ya' about the hitting things (animate or inanimate. hence my standing punching bag!) but take a deep breath, take 10 min. and go for a walk and commune with this wonderful season! It will all be worth in the end! Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

You have a red bra?! Sexxxxy!