Hello there. I am posting these pictures from last summer to spite the terrible weather we're having right now. It's hateful - sloppy and dangerous, many inches of snow, rain, sleet, freezing rain, ice - lots and lots of water in every imaginable state. I spent most of the morning up on the roof of my place of employment, pushing slush/rain/snow off because the building had sprung leaks inside (flat roof). It was pouring rain the whole time; I got soaked. Nice exercise, though. Afterward, for once, my habit of strewing my life around every space I live in worked out well - I had an extra set of clothing and an extra jacket to change into right here at work. Nifty.
Let's see... what else? Per seemingly usual, I have a whole lot corked up inside my frigging annoying head and I'm not really ready to put it into words. Bleh. I should wait until I'm ready, I suppose. I guess I could talk about my review here at my job. Mostly it went well, but there were two points of concern: foremost, the time I spend on the internet during work hours. This is a bad habit, I know, and I will be changing it. The other thing is my awful tendency to procrastinate on tasks that I don't like and/or am not good at - namely data collection and summation. To which I say - I will try to change my ways in this regard! My math brain is tiny and atrophied, like a dried up acorn rattling around in its hull. I get by, clearly - I do math nearly every day for my job - but putting together data in a usable way, and arranging figures that I've generated? So. very. hard. My boss says he'll help me in whatever way I need, I just have to ask. And ask in a timely fashion instead of waiting until both my and his head explode. I feel very fortunate, having the boss and the coworkers I do. The frosting on the cake? He says if he gets more funding (certainly not a guarantee), he will try to extend my stay here beyond October 31st this year. If he can't, I will certainly understand - I'm already here well past when I thought I would be. However, this place? I think it's my reward for moving to NY. It hasn't been easy for a lot of reasons, and often I wish I'd never left NH... but the work I get to do here, and the people I do it with? I couldn't be happier with either. The end, for now. Ta.
Ugh, I always hated review time at work. Thankfully back when I still worked for a corporation, the internet was just a new thing and we barely had access to it!
I've noticed a lot of people posting flower pics lately (from last summer). Must be spring fever!
Oh, putting data together to have meaning is just what I love to do! LOL I wish I'm there to do it for you...ya know to preoccupy my mind.
I hope you have a wonderful VD, regardless if you spent it with somebody or just by yourself. :)
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