Ok, I did try to put these pictures in an order that makes sense, but I messed up my posting order and I really don't have time to correct it. That I am posting at all is a small miracle, and I'm sure I'll end up regretting the time spent at some point! At any rate, more spring stuff. Peaches, this time.
Out-of-the-timeline photo. This was supposed to come later in the series, but here it is, in all of its glory! It really is pretty, isn't it?
Back in time again to the bud stage!
More buds.
An inexplicable shot of my feet. On a rock. Yay!
Peach flower close-up. Can you see how lucky I am to work here, getting to see this each season? (this is my last season here, as far as I know, which makes me very sad.)
Aaaaannnnd.... more peach blooms!
Now for something completely different: maple keys on a grey day. Don't ask. I don't know why I put it here.
So - hi there. I don't have much to say, nor much time to say it in. School starts next week, something that I am simultaneously glad for (the sooner I'm done, the sooner I'm done, after all, plus I get to see my friends again) and not glad for (will I have the ability to do well when my home life is in an uproar? Am I terribly cold to even be thinking that way? And also - yuck. I am so tired of studying. Or, more to the point, because I do love learning - I am so tired of taking tests). Work is very busy, which is good. Other than those things, I have nothing to add that wouldn't dive back into the realm of the Too Personal, so I shall sign off. I hope to have some time to write tomorrow or Friday. Meanwhile, best to you all.
Big warm giant hugs for you Anne. You are always upfront in my thoughts. Hang in there sister, be true and hold your ground.
Love you!
I was just hunting on Flickr for some new desktop wallpaper but now I need go no further!
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