Hi there. Weekend is done, so here we are at Monday once again. Round and round we go. Saturday and Sunday were spent studying and having various crises of the heart and mind. I won't get into any of it right now because it's too exhausting to write, and likely too fricking annoying to read.
Moving on, then.
Rain. We've got lots of it right now. Yep. So.... (whistles, looks off to the horizon, crickets think of chirping, though they're too tiny right now to do so)
Yeah. I should probably talk about what's on my mind, given that that's the purpose of this blog. I constantly hold back, worrying about who is reading, what they might think, and that I sound like a broken record. Or perhaps a CD with a smudge on it. I'm not sure what the current lingo on that point is. At any rate, I made this blog to be an outlet, but I find myself holding back for fear of what people will think. I know, it's completely ridiculous. I need to get over it.
And I will. Just not right now.
Until later, ta.
The weekend was too fast wasn't it? I felt the same way.
And no one will judge you for sharing your thoughts and feelings, if that's what you want to do or feel like you need to do. I always have the same fears and I've found it's totally unnecessary. Besides, if it came to it, ppl who judge someone else suck. (I always have to remind myself of that.) On the whole, ppl just relate to honesty and sincerity and I bet so many ppl relate to whatever you're going thru.
Take care of you, Anne!
Hey Anne, You're not a broken record. I've kept my blog anonymous; non of my family or friends know how to find it- a few know I write, and they know I'll never let them read it. Have you considered starting another blog- one that is your little secret?
I do the same thing--holding back. I sort of regret that my family and friends know about my blog because I can't really say exactly what I want for fear of hurting someone's feelings or being misunderstood.
But I agree with jeci, no one will judge you at least not the rest of us bloggers, most of us will relate or at least try. The people who do judge are emotionally limited whose opinions most likely wouldn't bother you anyway....
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