09 April 2007

Hi there!

Wavelets, Hudson River
I don't have much time to write - this week (and, to be honest, the next four and a half weeks) will be extremely busy and no doubt stress-filled. Work is kicking up by several notches, and the semester ends in that period too. I cannot even bear to think about how much I have to get done between now and then, so I'm taking the whole thing one day at a time (one hour at a time, when necessary!). I started the morning off at the gym at 6 a.m. To some, it might seem counterintuitive to embark on a fresh new workout regime at this moment, but for me? It makes all the sense in the world. As I've said, I have been very depressed lately, to a point that is becoming potentially hazardous. Historically, I do much better when I am exercising hard and regularly, writing things out, pursuing God, and getting enough quality alone time. I need to do all of these things, and I need to do them now, not in five weeks. I feel as though taking the time I need to be healthy mentally, physically, and spiritually will do more to propel me through these tough upcoming days than anything else. I'm sure I'll be more tired for the next two weeks while my body gets accustomed to the new routine, but in my experience that's pretty much all it takes. It's well worth it. I already feel better - my mood this morning is quite buoyant.
At any rate, I just wanted to check in. Thank you, per usual, for your uplifting commentary and good thoughts - they might seem like small things to you, but they make a big difference to me.
Until later, ta.

1 comment:

LittlePea said...

hey I was out sick for a few days...but I'm glad to know you've been feeling a little better.