03 April 2007

Mwah! part two.

I am eight or nine here - can't recall. I do recall, however, that I absolutely adored the shirt I'm wearing. It was a rainbow-colored velour number - tres fashionable for the time, and so soft! So colorful! Yes, I know the shot is in black and white. Oh, well. Also note the gap between my two front teeth, soon to be corrected by braces. Now my teeth are all crooked again, but the gap never returned.
Aside from the gappy teeth and the lack of wrinkles, that's pretty much what I still look like.
Well, work calls. I just wanted to say a big thank you, from the heart.


Anonymous said...

This is the Anne I first laid eyes on way back in the day. Inside that sweet-looking child is a cauldron of rebellion! Trust me, I know! :)

anne said...

Scandalous rebellion of the sort that vandalized spelling books, reading books, and (gasp) THE GIRLSCOUT HANDBOOK, that sancrosact text!

Roxanne said...

Adorable picture. You look like a little nature girl back then, too.

Rurality said...

What pretty hair you have! But, why did they have to take away your gap? It looks cute.