30 April 2007


Hello! I don't have time to say much, other than to assure you I'm alive. I'm also really irritated with my dad, which is not very unusual. Tell me - how would you react to this? Anne: (calls dad because she's signing up for a Women in the Outdoors day, and she thinks she'll sign up for some shooting classes - rifle, shotgun, and/or pistol) Hi Dad! I'm going to sign up for this outdoor day thing... it's mostly to meet other women and I'd really like to take the outdoor first aid and wilderness survival classes. I also thought I'd like to learn how to shoot. Which class would you recommend? Dad: Women and guns are a bad combination. Anne: ...... Dad: In fact, don't take this the wrong way, but a nurse was one of the worst people I've come across in terms of guns. Anne: ....... That's the short story. And no, he isn't kidding. What did I want to say? Oh, a mouthful. I would like to be flip and sarcastic right now, but I'm still too angry with him. I know I shouldn't be, and it's not a good thing that I'm still so affected by something my father would say to me, but I am. Basically, he's saying that I'm an incompetent moron. I'm not even a nurse yet, though I hope to be one day - and he's already denigrating me about the profession. I'm only just beginning to get used to the outright misogyny. It's probably been there all along, I just didn't see it for what it was. It's also getting more blatant in its expression. It really hurts. I love my father dearly. I spent more than half of my life trying desperately to please him. I think I'm probably still trying, and that makes me mad. I'm never good enough. It's beyond absurd at my age to still be caught in this struggle. I can see it, at least, and that's a good thing. I need to let it all go. Just let it go. Anyhow, that's all I have time for now. Angst. Fabulous! I'm having computer issues (blue screen of death), so I don't know how regular I'll be here. I haven't had time to figure it out yet. That's it for now. Ta.


Anonymous said...

Yep, probably best to let it go instead of festering inside. You can't say anything back to him, as you well know. My theory? He's threatened by the knowledge that you are doing stuff all on your own (nursing program, this class, etc.) and will try to bring you down at every turn. He wants to control you in some way even from afar, so the only way to do it is to belittle you and what you are interested in. All you can do is rise above it and be thankful that you are not as insecure as he is.

Sher said...

I was reading that and my mouth was wide open and I think I snorted a few times. What......? I think Shannon summed it up perfectly. I haven't ever heard that nurses and guns are a bad idea! Toddlers and guns....now that can be a problem.

Take the course--it sounds like fun!

Anonymous said...


Try not to take it personally, it's his problem, not yours. Hang in there and have fun shooting. I think things like that are very empowering for women. Maybe that's what his problem is?