09 May 2007

Earlier spring

Dutchman's Breeches
(Dicentra cucullaria)
I took that photo quite awhile ago; just wanted to share it. Meanwhile, I am going to remain silent. The exam last night was a bit crappy, and not because I don't know my stuff. I do. Isn't the pancreas generally found in the left ankle? No? Hmm.
At any rate, I'm going back out to the orchard. I only have another five months left, so I'd rather be out there when I can than in here brooding.
I'll check back in later.


Anonymous said...

My pancreas is in my left ankle. But you knew I would say that, didn't you?

LittlePea said...

That's really pretty. I just read you other post and I had no idea that stethoscopes had volume choices.

Have fun in the orchard.