11 May 2007


Blurry daffodil
Howdy. I am very, very tired today - physically, mentally, emotionally. I'm not feeling particularly depressed, though, which is good. I'm just really tired. I've been working outside most days for the past month plus now, and I have developed new respect for farmers, landscape people, construction workers, tradespeople, and the like. It's tiring, lemme tell you, lifting and pulling and digging and shoving and hauling and dealing with recalcitrant machinery. The omnipresent biting flies and the heat and humidity and dirt and oil are icing on the cake of outdoor work. Of course I'm also keyed up over the whole blood pressure debacle and have managed to convince myself that I won't be able to do it, so I've also been living with a sort of low-grade dread every waking moment. Yep. I'm an Olympic quality worrier, there's no question. The next - and last - blood pressure test happens next Tuesday morning. We shall see what we shall see.
I repeat - I do like the outdoor work most of the time. I see and hear gazillions of birds, I get to watch butterflies and occasionally frogs and deer and woodchucks, chipmunks, and rabbits. I am witnessing the season's progression instead of being locked away in a windowless lab. It's good stuff, and I'm guessing now and the coming months will represent the only time in my life when I get to do the sorts of things I'm doing and get paid for it. I suppose what I'm trying to say here is that I appreciate it - it's just that I'm weary at the moment.
I'm going to that Women in the Outdoors seminar tomorrow from 8 to 5 - I'm kind of looking forward to it and kind of feeling too tired and antisocial to go. I signed up for rifle and shotgun lessons, as well as outdoor first aid and wilderness survival. My back-up activities are landscape sketching and hiking. I'm not sure why I chose the sketching bit - I'm not especially artistically inclined. The hiking one is a little silly, too - I know how to hike, and I know how to prep to hike, especially here in the NE. Ah, well. It'll be an interesting day, I'm sure, and maybe I'll make a friend or two. My father has warmed to the idea at this point, which is a welcome thing; M., however, is sulking about the fact that I'm going to be away all day. We had talked about tree shopping on that day, which I'd kind of forgotten in the midst of final exams and hectic work schedules. It annoys me that he's behaving like this; it's not as though I ever really do anything for myself. He tried to pick a fight about it last night, but I just wasn't having any part of that nonsense. There is, after all, nothing at all wrong with what I'm going to do, and we can tree shop any time now that I'm out of school. Kind of ironic how both of the men in my life objected to this outing of mine. Meh, I say.
Well, time to embark on the day's work. Today I shall be fertilizing 400 or so trees, scrubbing moldy apple boxes (charming!), taking branch diameters on 200 tree limbs, and possibly potting yet another shipment of trees. Which, yeah, more wheelbarrowing of heavy, heavy dirt. Jocularity!
First, though, one more cup of coffee and perhaps a sound slap on the face. Must wake up...
Until later, then - ta.
Edited to add: I just got my final exam grade in the email from my professor - I got a 90 on the final, which brings me up to a 90 for the whole class. A nice, solid B. I prefer A's, of course, but I'll take this happily and run with it. Now, to pass the blood pressure test....


LiVEwiRe said...

First, congrats on the B for your final! I'm guessing you are scrutinizing the possibilities of why you didn't get the A (something I'd do) but realize how well you actually did! Let yourself be happy, you deserve it.

So I'm reading back a few posts here and you've got quite a bit going on! At first I thought you meant you were getting your BP tested, then I continued on. I hate doing BPs and basically can't. The diastolic trips me up and I've never been able to hear it. Good thinking to get your ears checked out, too. Irrigation and the like doesn't rest well with me. Lots of ear issues as a kid so I'm a bit gun shy. Someone I knew swore by ear candles - again, I don't like messing with things I can't see. I think you'll do fine on this repeat BP; you did it before and you have happy ears now. You'll do fine.

With the account of the work you are doing outside, you SHOULD be tired. If you weren't I'd have to call you a slacker or something! =) But at least the perlite is lightweight, right? haha. I like being outside but even when I'm not working, I like to come in and just sit on something comfy, not a tree stump. Guess I have some 'sissy' in my blood. You do gain respect for those that work outdoors. My current locale is a highly agricultural area. Nurseries everywhere. No one wants to work doing such hard labor yet many belittle the mainly Mexican employees. (That is fact, not a political or cultural statement.) You see how hard it is and these guys are out there when it's 35F - 95F, drought, humidity, bugs, pouring rain, beating sun; somehow they still get disrespected. Whoa - tangent...sorry.

Blue Jays are gutsy, pushy little things, aren't they? And loud, can't forget that! I just borrowed a book from the library about raptors that took two ornithologists 50 years to compile. 50! Excellent photos, you might like it.

Your WitO seminar seems fabulous. Then again anyone that would let me shoot off a weapon is tops in my book. I'm anxious to see how it goes. Let M sulk and stomp his feet, he'll get over it and you've so earned some time to yourself!

I'm leaving now - my comment may be bigger than your post, heh. I'll check in again in a few days... off to gram's again. And congrats on the B!!!

Anonymous said...

I haven't admitted this to you yet in person, but I am very jealous that you get to spend most of your current work days outdoors, regardless of the tiring work. You must be building up some nice upper body strength & muscle!

lu said...

Yeah for you!

Keep doing for yourself. M will get over it, or not, ether way you need you and I'll bet he can pick that tree out all by his little self.

Love you Anne!

LittlePea said...

That's great-the B! Also that you didn't let M talk you out of doing something you want to do. Men!

All that hauling-I bet you're exhausted! Get some rest.

Anonymous said...

You will do fine at the BP test, be positive! And yes, you are allowed to have a day to yourself to do what you want to do. Maybe I should take my own advice. Take care girl.