Before I go, though... a bunch of random images from the orchard.....

Multiflora rose, up close

Multiflora rose from a few feet back. These guys tend to take over and are not particularly well liked. They're pretty, though. This one is in a hedgerow between orchard blocks.

Schmuck from cedar-apple rust. I suppose the more scientific term would be spore debris or something like that. Lovely, no? See below photos for source of orange goo.

Warning sign in the orchard, seemingly more apropos with the disjointed head and hand.

Cedar apple rust, swollen telia. If I'd gotten to my camera earlier, these would've looked cooler (i.e. more like jelly-tentacles), but I didn't so they're a bit dried out at the tips.

Another shot of cedar apple rust telia

Brand-spankin' new vineyard! I don't work with the vines, so I don't really know what's going on with them. There are 30 or 40 varietals planted, and they won't fruit in a meaningful way for about three years. (oh, and - they're in the tubes somewhere, hence the look of a field of blue sleeves)

Boot on Gator, looking down peach row. Note: Gators are fun.

Angry mockingbird parent, there in the background.

Another shot of the angry parent, who spent much of his or her day chrring at me in a decidedly angry tone as I (presumably) worked near the nest (which I never found).
Alrighty, then. So, there's that. I feel much better now, having worked outside all day. I shouldn't get myself so worked up. Whatever happens, happens, and all I can do is keep trying to walk the right path.
I got quite a gigantic amount of amusement out of a pair of mockingbirds (one of the pair seen above) because I was working near their nest, hence eliciting all kinds of fabulous close-range flight displays and near-constant worried calling. So much fuss, so many angry buzzing noises from the harried bird-parents! I couldn't help but to laugh. They were my sidekicks for much of my work today. I did nothing that threatened their nest; I suppose working in its vicinity was crime enough for the avian hoopla.
Well... I suppose that's it. Another day past. I have twigs and leaves in my hair, I'm sweaty and sunburned... and I wouldn't have it any other way. I wish you all a wonderful weekend.
Until Monday, ta.
1 comment:
What great pictures. You really have a great eye for detail.
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