21 December 2006

An aside with no picture

Also: an aside with no real point, other than to put it out there. I just wanted to say that my best local friend - and one of my best friends in the world - is my cat Shelby. I have never really talked much about her on any of my blogs. I think that's because she is such a part of the fabric of my life that it doesn't occur to me. Also, in the interest of being open and honest, I sometimes worry about what people will think when I regularly profess my love for my cat. That worry is one of the needless layers I wear that I need to be rid of. I'm not saying I need to assault people with my Shelby-love, but there's nothing illigitimate or bad about loving a cat. She is always there for me. I realize that she doesn't really have a choice in the matter, but the fact remains that she is there for me, and she loves me. She insists upon being picked up and held at least twice a day - once before I leave for work, once when I get home - but she's open to being held at other times. She gives hugs - she puts her little cat arms around my neck, squeezes her eyes shut, and purrs. She doesn't mind that I constantly kiss her fuzzy face and furry body, nor that I sometimes put antlers on her head or otherwise tease her (well, she minds, but she's a champ about the whole thing). She has been with me since before my first marriage, and now into my second flailing attempt. She has been a constant in my life. She still plays like a kitten, though she's now ten years old. I love watching her race around; I love to engage her and see her pupils dilate when she's excited and ready to pounce. I already dread the time when she is no longer with me. I love her so much, it hurts. Sometimes I think I pour all the love I have into this cat because I don't trust anyone else with it. It's going to be a very bad day indeed when she is gone from my life. I hate seeing her eyes take on that bronzy look that older cat's eyes have. She's still my baby. I just wanted you who read to know. I will post pictures of her soon. Ta. p.s. This was written in response to someone I read who just lost her cat: http://datinggod.typepad.com/datinggod/ (Dec. 18, 2006). I haven't asked her if I could link - though I will - but her story of loss really made me think about my girl. Please feel free to give your condolences to Booty's mom.


Anonymous said...

Shelby is a sweetie!

Anonymous said...

. . . sending you and your fuzzy love hugs from me and mine . . . :)

No Milk Please said...

my cats are precious to me, although you wouldn't really think so. just like yours, they have their little things that they like to have done to them...

hugs from my cats to yours!

LiVEwiRe said...

I understand the love you can have for a cat. There is nothing wrong with it, and if you ask the cat, they will basically say it is mandatory anyway. The time we have with them is never enough, but we are lucky to have it. I'll look forward to a pic of Shelby.