I posted this photo on the old blog but I like it so much I'm putting it here, too.
So - hello. Apparently, it's almost the weekend. I find myself unmoved by this fact. Perhaps if I was going to have the weekend to myself, I would be happier. Instead, it's yet another holiday event with the in-laws. Feh. It's not that they're bad people, it's just too much. I miss my own family dearly. The in-laws don't really "get" me, mostly. I'm not girly enough, I don't care a whit about fashion, and my opinions seem strange and foreign to them more often than not. I get too emotional over animals, and our senses of humor don't jibe at all. The entire family has more of a whoopee cushion/12 year old boy sense of humor - Monty Python has no place in their repertoire. Ah, well. Enough with the grumping and groaning. What kind of an attitude is that, anyway? I'm the one acting like a 12 year old, here... I feel like I used to feel when forced to go to my grandparents for the holidays - whiny and petulant. Not attractive, not attractive at all!
Moving on.
I don't have much to say, most likely because of my foot-draggingly negative attitude. I feel like going for a run to work it all out, but because my knee has betrayed me, I cannot. Alternately, I would like to drink a glass of wine or seven but that's not really the most brilliant idea and certainly won't do a thing to fix what ails me. Garrummph. Mayhap I'll settle for a walk in the misty rain. I need to get outside anyway - I've been working with liquid lime-sulfur in the lab and I now have a headache clamped around the back of my head like a bionic starfish. Man, that stuff is stinky and fumey.
Well, I guess that's all I've got right now. Quite pathetic.
random fact for the day: I am very fond of coriander, but I don't really like cilantro.
today, I am grateful for: cold water and jade plants.
I adore cilantro--no salsa is truly complete with out for me!
Love the cilantro, too! And jade plants. Though I never can keep mine alive.
L - you double-posted (probably Blogger's fault, not yours - it's been acting goofy all day), so I removed one of the posts.
And ok, alright both of you - I do like cilantro in salsa. I just don't like it in huge quantities - it has a soapy taste to me!
There's nothing pathetic about the wish to be accepted as is, especially by those who are associated with your love.
It's hard to carry that tension and the tight smile for lengths of time.
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