31 December 2006

My favorite animal at the zoo....

Otocolobus manul,
Pallas' cat
(image via Google)
These guys are native to the high steppes, mountains, and deserts of central Asia and are an endangered species. The Columbus Zoo has three on display - they're like little grey barrels of tufty fur. I've only seen them in books, so it was a treat to see them up close and personal. Two were sleeping; a third was very active, spending much of its time standing at about shoulder height on a branch right in front of the glass. It was awesome.
Speaking of awesome - I love the Columbus Zoo. I've been going there since I was a mere bump in my mother's belly - it was one of the few cheap outings (then, anyhow) that a college couple could take. I just love it there, and they've made some fantastic changes over the years. The Pallas' cats were in their Asia Quest area: http://www.colszoo.org/animalareas/carnivr/index.html
Things are a little wobbly here at home right now. My father is beginning to be moody, which is often the beginning of the end. I wish I could visit just once without this happening.
Growl. What fun, to leave one moody, angry male to go home to another! Now that's MY idea of a good time. Indeed. There must be some truth to that on some twisted level. This year is the year to change what I can, to try to follow this credo:
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. "
The serenity prayer makes a lot of sense.
Thank you to Sher and Lu for your encouraging words. Lu, you always get right to the heart of the matter - I will be taking your words very much to heart.
Over and out for now... I'll probably post once more before the new year shows its face.
p.s. I managed - in my own inimitable way - to jolly my dad out of his mood. It's a skill I wish I didn't have, but I suppose it's a survival skill. I'm glad - I love him very much and I don't want our last day together to be marred by anger.
More later....


Anonymous said...

Oh! I didn't even know about those endangered cats! Thank you for sharing.

And I just wanted to wish you a very Happy New Year! I hope 2007 is awesome!

Roxanne said...

We had a great time at the Columbus Zoo also. By far, the best zoo I've been too. I liked all the strategically placed vegetation and most of the animal enclosures seemed to be pretty humane. For a zoo that is.