05 June 2007

Very, very short

My baby.
I am feeling sad and cynical and rather stark right now. I'm writing to say something that any of you few who read here already know - be kind. Be kind, in whatever circumstance you find yourself in. That's how I try to live most of the time, but I find myself being mean at times... and meanness never pays off, never. I'm thinking about this because I've been reading people who write about their damaged children, or about their damaged relationships. Everyone has something in their life that causes them pain. It seems to me that the best way to respond to anyone is with kindness. I'm preaching to the choir, I'm guessing, much like the whole "spay and neuter your pets!" post.. but I feel like I need to say it anyway.
Ta, until later.


lu said...

Hey Anne,
It's good to have a reminder; to read it in this context, especially when everything seems to go awry. Sometimes it feels like years of being kind have set me up for an ass whooping, but you're right, it's not the kindness, but something else- I suppose when I figure out what that something is things will change.
Love to you and kitty!

Roxanne said...

That's definitely a reminder that we all could use. 'Tis a good rule to live by. :)

LittlePea said...

Yeah. You're good to say this because it's hard to remember to practice kindness every day as much as we can.

Anonymous said...

Mslittlepea put it really well. Thanks, Anne. And have a great summer!!!