19 September 2007

I am stressed. Therefore....

My boyfriend, Mr. Laurie.
Right. Until tomorrow, ta. If I survive until then, of course. If I don't, Shannon will keep you posted, and possibly provide you with Hugh Laurie photos. You just never know.
p.s. I have no idea why he is chewing his sleeve. I'm assuming it's something the photographer would deem sexy or interesting. It isn't really either, but he does look awfully nice anyway. Perhaps the photographer was onto something after all.
Over and out.
On a completely unrelated note, I must brag. Because most of my life feels as though it is being carried off to hell in a handbasket (with me running alongside desperately trying to grab that basket, tripping and falling over my own stupid feet), there is at least this: I am a very fast apple-picker. No, don't fall to your knees in praise....that's ok. I'm humble. Still, though - today I picked five trees to my coworker's one, and four to my boss's one. Go, me! And, um.. yes. I was dorky enough to time myself. And compete against my own time.
In times of stress, you do what you have to do.
Again, over and out.


Kristi said...

I like famous men named Hugh. Hugh Grant is another favorite of mine.
I hope the stress goes away soon, and from the sounds of what you've written lately, I'm hoping it will.

Roxanne said...

That's something to be proud of!

LiVEwiRe said...

*sigh* that pic was what I needed. Be proud of your rare and nimble skills as a first rate apple picker. I mean, at least you weren't talking about noses...