11 October 2007

Black knot

I'm not sure if I've talked about black knot before, but here on a bamboo pole is a bag of black knot lesions. I put it there in order to inoculate the trees (one bamboo pole w/black knots in a bag per tree) with the disease, in order to study the effects of various fungicides. If you are interested in knowing about black knot in detail, here's a good summary: http://plantclinic.cornell.edu/FactSheets/black_knot/blacknot.htm Really, I'm just desperate for photos to post, so here y'go. I don't really have much to say. I'm tired, which is more or less chronic at this point. School is going ok - demanding and busy and frustrating, but ok. I'm feeling a little neutral today. That's certainly better than soul-crushing darkness, to be sure, but it would be a lot more fun if I was happy and upbeat. Can't have everything, I suppose. I am increasingly happy to be here at this lab - I will say that. Funny how your imminent departure forces you to see how good you had it all along. I have honestly loved this place since I came here. I've moaned and complained a lot, but I work with such wonderful people, and I get to do such different, out-of-mainstream work - I'll never be at a place like this again, I'd wager. I complain mostly because I am in pain a lot with my stupid knee doing whatever the hell it's doing pathophysiologically - and so the physical labor I do is really hard. I like physical labor, so it sucks that it's so trying to do these days. Hopefully another surgery will correct this problem. I suppose that's it for now. On the home front, M. is annoyed with me for accidentally leaving a load of laundry in the washer. That was dumb, I know, but I claim extreme tiredness. It was only a blanket and two t-shirts, and I rewashed everything yesterday morning before leaving for work. That's the news. Nothing much happening aside from the usual drudgery. More later - I hope you all are well. Ta.


LiVEwiRe said...

I think when you are faced with a shift, like leaving where you are, you tend to get a little weird. Not 'you', I mean anyone. It's a time for reflection. Besides you have a lot going on with school and whatnot. And of course the fungal issues. ;) I think once you are away you will dearly miss your routine and your trees. But I also think that it is all part of moving on. Leaving it doesn't mean liking it any less and occasionally voicing distaste with a situation is just venting, it doesn't mean that it was an awful place/time. You'll find your comfort zone, now get some sleep. =) xoxo

Anonymous said...

Oh my god! You left laundry in the washing machine. Tell him to get over it already. In big picture, it's just not that big, it's small really.

Hope you feel better soon.

And I found the blog of another nursing student.


Anonymous said...

What? You're not supposed to leave laundry in the washer? I leave it in the washing machine and the dryer all the time. It adds a delightful "aging" process to your clothes, like fine wine.

I have always thought that your job at the lab sounded so interesting. Wish I could find one like that. So, the thought of leavign it is very understandable. And I know what you mean about being tired. I spend a lot of time dragging around lately. Hugs!

LittlePea said...

If my husband got angry at me over leaving the laundry in the washer, we would be having fights on a weekly basis :O) You're only human and you weren't born on this Earth to concern yourself with laundry.

I can understand how feel about leaving this job, even your complaints were full of love for those trees and the outdoors :O)

Hoping you're feeling better soon. I didn't know your knee was needing another surgery. Perhaps this is a big factor in how tired you are?