22 October 2007

Stolen image. Thank you, Google.

Is what I needed. Yep.
On my way home from lab, wherein we stumbled through another set of scenarios. Such fun. I shouldn't say it this way; I am learning. It's just that the learning process is so irritating sometimes, in that I already know some stuff, and the stuff I don't know is presented kind of stupidly. Meh.
And so I refer you to Mr. Laurie.
Cuteness is a cure for almost anything. Kittens are best at it, in my own personal estimation, but there are folks who are able to breach the kitten line.
Until Wednesday..... bye.


LittlePea said...

He does have nice eyes.

Anonymous said...

"Breaching the kitten line" is now the new slang for "very very cute!" I love it.

LiVEwiRe said...

Night before last I had this dream about him. It was brief but all I remember thinking was "uuuhhhhh". It takes quite a bit to leave me speachless yet he managed to do it in a cameo appearance in one of my dreams! You were the first person I thought of once I woke up! =)