29 October 2007

Celebrity sighting, or my encounter with a television star in the frozen food aisle.

...so there I was in the frozen food aisle, smiling and nodding at a tall man with his son sitting in the grocery cart. He smiled and nodded back, and I went on my way, thinking, "Huh. He looks really familiar. How do I know him?" I couldn't think of how or where I might have met him. I turned the corner and went down the next frozen food aisle and saw him again - and again, I thought how do I know this man? Still couldn't figure it out. A woman then rounded the corner at a crouch with a big, silly grin on her face, staring at the guy's back. "It's him!" she hissed to her husband, "I want to get his autograph!" Her husband just looked embarrassed and told her to knock it off. That's when it finally dawned on me that, duh, I know him from television! We haven't had television for...let's see...four and a half years now (we have a t.v. set and we watch movies, but no cable so no t.v. shows), though I do watch it when I'm at my parents' house visiting. When I got to the check-out aisle, the cashier was talking to the woman in front of me, who was saying, "So that was really him, huh?" The cashier nodded and said he lives in Woodstock (which is about 20 minutes from where I live). So... who is this mystery man of whom I speak?
Vincent D'Onofrio
Pretty cool. He seemed like a decent guy. I just felt kinda bad for him because he was being stalked through the store by grinning women looking for autographs!
Just to let those of you who didn't know the fellow in my last post - that's Michael Palin of Monty Python fame. Presently - or at least recently - he does a lot of travel shows. I just love his twinkly eyes!
I'll check back in later. Ta for now!
edited to add: I know that Mr. D'Onofrio is also a movie star. Just wanted to say that. And also? He is actually much cuter in person than that photo above would have you believe. Not that that's a bad picture, just that he's a real guy, and he's really very cute.
The end.
p.s. I promise to stop with the celebrity male photos soon. I apologize for the fangirlyness. I'm not generally like this.


Mariposa said...

I was trying to remember him, then I remember Of Mice and Men...he cute! ;P

Jane said...

Vincent stars in Criminal Intent, he did of "Mice and Men" many eons ago on stage before he went to the big screen with FMJ-he lives in NY. Thats an old photo but he is cute there and now lol.

val said...

Well, I would not have been creeping around after him. I would either have gone right up to him - or melted on the spot! He is the most gorgeous, most talented actor around.

Anonymous said...

..and I'd be standing next to Val, doing the same thing ;0)
Thank you for sharing your sighting.