13 April 2007

I'm fine.

...apricot leg and pink toes for good measure
I have to apologize for my wild mood-swinginess. I'm tired and a bit overwrought and filled to the fingertips and the ends of my hair with end-of-semester stress. Doing battle with depression takes it out of me, too. Throw in poor body image (something that troubles me more than I like to admit), a heckuva lot of work here at work, and a lack of quality alone-time as well and you've got me, cranky and emotional, bordering on snipey and cynical. Indeed. Such a beautiful stew!
Meh, I say.
At any rate, I really am fine. I just wanted to say that. Now I have to go scrub some more moldy apple boxes.
Until later, ta.


Anonymous said...

End of the semester is the WORST. I feel your pain, sweetie! And I LOVE those pink paw pads. I want to SMOOSH them.

LittlePea said...

There's nothing wrong with being up and down--or both. We can't all be expected to be HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY all the time.

I love those paws.