06 April 2007

Pre-weekend post

Beech leaf at Black Creek
I took the above shot on the way home the other night. It's not particularly wonderful, but I like it, so there you have it. I like the way the leaf is lit up by the waning sun. Click on it to get a better view - on the whole, it just looks like an out of focus photo, but when you see it up close, you can see the lovely long, sharp beech bud and the geriatric leaf.
Well, I haven't much to say. If I were to open my mouth, literally or figuratively, complaints would come pouring out like water. I don't like hearing myself complain, so I'm just not going to right now.
I guess that's all for now. I'll check back in next week. I wish you all good weekends!

1 comment:

Rurality said...

Nice creek. And you can tell what mode I'm in when I'm thinking, "I wonder what flowers will be growing there later on...?" :)

Have a nice weekend, hope you feel better. I might try to sneak a Cadbury egg.