21 June 2007

Future insects. And my arm.

The first three shots are insect eggs of some variety - I have no idea what species they are. Our entomologist is out at the moment, so I've got each leaf in a separate jar; I'd like to see what they are. Presently, we're rating apple trees for summer fungal disease (against their fungicide regimens); I came across these eggies as I was rating. They may or may not survive; we shall find out soon! I used to do this sort of thing all the time - build terrariums out of pickle jars. I would catch bugs or hatch them, just to see what they were all about. I actually have some good stories with reference to that - ask me sometime about Fred the Luna moth and my passle of preying mantis babies!
The last shot is a study in contrasts - my arm held up next to my leg. Eleven days later and the contrast is even more striking.
Well, that's all I really have right now. I'm still thinking hard about the things I said a few entries back.
More soon.


Rurality said...

Now why didn't I think of that... just put them in a jar! D'oh! Maybe I'll try that next time I see eggs.

Anonymous said...

Dear old Fred. Alas, we hardly knew ye!

LittlePea said...

Eggs make me itchy.

pretty skin- in both shades:o)

LiVEwiRe said...

For a moment I thought the eggs were going to be on your arm at first glance of the title. Then your arm was looking suspiciously like the underside of a leaf... hmm. =)