15 June 2007

Nothing to see here.

Except these things, of course.
I continue to be in an antisocial funk. I'm sorry. I really am. I miss people when I'm being this way. I'm not sure I really understand why I become such a spiny, hands-offish little island of a person sometimes. I hate the phrase "it's not you... it's me," but it's so true in this case. Maybe it's because all of you who I love or who I think I would love are too far away. There are no kindred spirits within less than half a day's driving distance - none that I've met, anyhow.
And so... off I go into the weekend. Depressingly, I have to take some work with me. I'm not very excited about that fact, and I am already anticipating M.'s lack of enthusiasm for work brought home. Meh.
There are, though, cute cat feet in the world. And cardinals and clover and blue skies and baby cherries. Orb spiders and wild daisies and majestic oaks and cold creeks. There are good things, and I'd do best to remember these.
Best weekends to you.


LittlePea said...

In my best Martha Stewart impersonation: Kitty feet. It's a good thing.

lu said...

"There are, though, cute cat feet in the world. And cardinals
And clover and blue skies and baby cherries. Orb spiders and wild daisies and majestic oaks and cold creeks."

I love this. It's a funny paradox isn't it, the desire to be with others, and the spiny hands-offishness.

I realized the other day that I've had several opportunities to open up and be with people, but once I'm there, I grow anxious or impatient and I'm ready to move on, but move on to what?

On work, I'm taking classes this summer and I stayed up late last night cranking out assignments that I hadn't been able to get to because of computer issues. Now that is a feeling I'd almost forgotten, cramming. I thought of you, and your studies and how stressful it can be, and still kinda satisfying when it's done.

I hope this week is better.