08 June 2007

Good weekends to you all!

Here are some mediocre photos of stuff that has caught my eye while I'm out in the orchard - the quality of these shots do not reflect adequately how pretty these "weeds" really are. A side note: I am creeped out right now because I just pried a tick off of my neck. Shudder. Anyway - flowers -
Red clover Genus Ranunculus (buttercup, not sure which species)
orchard grass (yes, that's really the name - I'm too lazy to find the Latin right now)
A row in the North 40
Genus Equisetum
Daisy fleabane
Blue-eyed grass
I may stick the Latin names in on Monday; right now I don't have time, and I don't remember them off the top of my head. I do remember a dorky amount of critters by their Latin names, but not all, by a long shot.
Shiver. I am now imagining myself crawling with ticks. I need to get home and shower and do a thorough inspection, especially since this region is Lyme disease central. What's really REALLY creepy is how they don't just brush off - those hideous flat bodies and all those clingy legs keep them right on your skin even before they bite in. UGH.
Alrighty, then. I did see a few cool things in the orchard today - several bluebirds, a six-foot long black snake, and a green heron. I saw the heron flying, heard it calling, and watched it land in a bare tree - very cool. I spent my entire day outside - how incredibly lucky am I? Aside from the tick, of course.
There's an mini concert going on down the hall. One of my coworkers (he works with grapes) has his own vineyard at home, and makes his own wine. Many Fridays he brings in a few bottles for people to try, and this week a visiting vineyard owner is here with his own wine - and also his banjo. Another coworker used to play fiddle in a band. I can hear banjo and fiddle from here, and some singing as well. I'll have to stop in and say hello before I leave.
Well, I wish you all a lovely weekend. I'm feeling alright right now, which is solely due to the time I spent outside today. I should pitch a tent and just live out there forever!
Until Monday, ta.

1 comment:

LittlePea said...

So lucky. Loved the pictures. When I was little we(me and my sisters) used to pick buttercups on my grandparents farm and rub them on our chins. Our superstition was if the pollen didn't stick you marry someone with warts all over--we made that up. Isn't that silly?

Glad you're feeling better. What fun! Banjos make me giggle for some reason.