31 August 2007


My cat friend, formerly and very briefly known as Maxine Bean, has turned out to be a neutered male. I discovered this just now. I went out to our lathe house to water some young trees and I spotted friend Cat. I backed out, talking all the while, and ran to get some smelly canned food. Returning to the lathe house, I lured the kitty in. Said cat actually brushed by me (after I had laid down on the ground), and the tail was high, so - yeah. No fuzzy balls. Clearly not a female. This guy was someone's pet. I have sent out the requisite notices to area vet clinics and SPCA. He let me pet him. I put this in a separate paragraph because it's a big deal. Someone has failed this little guy, by horrible mistake (maybe he is lost and people are seeking him - I can't even imagine my upset if Shelby went missing), or by unfelt mistake, or maybe they just didn't want him anymore. At any rate, he is very skittish, very untrusting. It was a privilege that he trusted me to pet him, however briefly. I wish I had more time than I do. It's wonderful that he let me touch him. ----------------- Ok, enough. Probably I would write about animals and plants all day long, given the opportunity. Weekend time now. Talk to you next week.

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