11 December 2007

Not ready for test tonight? Check.

Multiflora rose

Icy branches

Hawthorn (Crataegus species)

Photos in place of words? Again, check.

Notice the similarity in the berry photos - these critters are in the same family, but are different genus and species - the hawthorn is a small tree, the rose is a vine. Both are thorny. The middle picture is a shrub I've been wanting to photograph - it has very interesting branches (haven't ID'd it yet) - and I still haven't found a good way to do it. This'll do for now.

Meanwhile, I'm panicking. Not ready for tonight's exam. Wish me luck.

p.s. I am irritated by the fact that the latter two labels are off-center. I can't figure out why (I have tried to correct it multiple times to no avail, and I am supposed to be squeezing in some studying!), and this foolishness with having to put HTML tags (I guess that's what they are)before and after every paragraph or sentence is just... very exasperating. Very. Over and out, then.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Hope your exam went well!

Those are lovely pictures...