03 December 2007


Hi there. Some random photos for you, taken this morning -
Moth of unknown species. Just thought he/she was cute!
Common mullein (Verbascum thapsus) in our first snow. So soft! So wooly! So cold. Thorn. Not sure what species - might be Rosa multiflora. Was growing near blackberry and common greenbriar, so it's not those.... ********************

Alrighty, then. The crappiness I mentioned last week has temporarily abated. M. decided not to make any further issue of what happened Thursday night and was as sweet as could be all weekend. No healthy resolution, certainly, but I honestly do not have time or energy for that right now - especially due to the abject ridiculousness of the subject of his tantrum. We will have to come back to the issue once finals are over, though. I think he backed off for two reasons: one, I didn't dissolve into tears and pleading as I once would have - instead I was (rightfully) angry and I stood up for myself; two, some small part of him had to know how insane the things he was saying were. And so, onward with the week. I got practically nothing done in terms of school, so let the panic begin! I was just so exhausted, both physically and emotionally. It's amazing how much energy passionate emotion can drain away.

Nothing else to talk about, really. Same old stuff - four hours of lab tonight, five hours of lecture tomorrow, 6 hours of clinical Wednesday... and myriad papers due in each. Not sure how it will all get done, but it will, somehow.


ALSO! Big thanks to my BF Shannon - http://westeringhills.weblogged.net/ - for my banner and basically my entire blog set-up. Isn't it just gorgeous?! I love it, love it! Thank you, Shan! Three cheers!

Until later, folks... ta.

p.s. Apparently, this particular format has taken away my ability to have paragraphs without doing some very minor HTML stuff, which Shannon has shown me how to do. It's still a big giant hassle for someone like me who is essentially lazy and just wants to type stuff in without worrying about such things. It's pretty much a miracle that I figured out how to upload photos - or even have a blog, for that matter. Anyway, please excuse the paragraphlessness/squished-togetherness of my blog right now. Until finals are over, I'm just not going to worry about it.


sher said...

The banner is fabulous. Your blog looks so spiffy!

LiVEwiRe said...

Gorgeous banner! You are more motivated than I am and for that I shall remain slighlty jealous! ;) I adore that chilly little pic in the middle, too. Keeping my fingers crossed for you so that time is in your favor over the coming days. I'm glad you stood your ground - so often we forget we're actually able to DO that.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear you stood up for yourself. And the new look is beautiful. Take care sweetie.