07 May 2008


Not Ohio, but this is my mom, and me looking incredibly dorky. What a surprise.

Again, not in Ohio, but this is me holding Pauly (from Catskill Animal Sanctuary, see links in sidebar), standing with my dad.

So - that's my way of saying hello from Ohio, and these parental types are who I am visiting. YAY! It's only Wednesday night, which means Le Heedee-uss final was last night. Holy cats, man. It seems like sooo much longer ago than a mere 24 hours. Funny how time stretches and compresses at the end of the semester. At any rate, here I am in Ohio. I arrived late this afternoon. I just spent a very enjoyable evening with my mom and dad - it's so very, very nice to see them. It's been way too long - over a year. I miss them every day, so it's great to be here, especially given the stress of late. I feel completely at ease here, though to be honest I'm still pretty keyed up. My dad says I'll probably feel like a new person by Saturday - he should know, having been through years more schooling than me. Simply, it's wonderful to be here.

I don't really have much to say right now - I'm pretty much running on fumes at this point - but I wanted to check in. The final was pretty horrid; I'll find out what I got on Friday. I had an A going into it, but I'm pretty certain I blew it last night. Ah, well. At least there was a nice cushion for me to do badly, right? I'll keep you posted. I'm sure you'll all be waiting with baited breath. Or is it bated? Bated isn't even a word, is it? Moving on.

I also wanted to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your support. Your words and kind thoughts mean more to me than you can know. I feel like I'm letting everyone down by talking about how things are and then doing nothing about it... but that's not actually true, at least not at this point. I said at the beginning of the year - mental health improvement and finishing my RN are my top priorities, and I'm getting those ducks in a row. Ultimately, things with my relationship have to change, that much is clear. For now, though, I don't think I can make big, sweeping changes with regard to it. Maybe that will change next week, maybe I'll be able to hold out to the end of the RN - I don't know. What I do know is that there will be change. (ed. note: if I write the word "change" one more time, I am going to kick myself in the shins. Good Lord. Yes, I'm exhausted and my mental thesaurus is thusly handicapped.) The better I feel and the closer I am to being finished, the stronger I get. I suppose that's all I have to say on that topic for the moment - I'm so tired my eyes are practically crossing. I hope I'm making some scrap of sense. I'll sign back in tomorrow. Again - thank you, thank you, thank you.... and take care.


Anonymous said...

Glad to see you are away for a bit. Sometimes we all need to go home to Mom and Dad, to decompress and get away from tough situations so as to get a clearer view of the situation. Have fun out there and big hug!

Rurality said...

Sorry to hear about all the relationship problems. Hope everything works out the way you want it to.

If I'm remembering correctly, bated is a shortened form of abated. (Like, short of breath, I think.)