09 January 2008

More photos. Of course!

(click on the photos for better detail)

Again with the Phragmites


If it's not obvious yet...I am in love with trees. Love. Have been ever since I can remember. Their architecture in the winter is gorgeous.

Love the shiny color against the grey!

Foxtail grass and lathehouse roof. I like this shot.

This is my favorite shot today - I love how the vine seems to continue the pattern of the wire. Pretty nifty.

I said I was going to talk a little about what's in my head today, didn't I? And now here I am, feeling reticent. My life feels fragile right now. Life is always fragile, of course, but we don't usually think much about it. Most of us don't, anyway. I am revelling in the one resolution I made, before the new year even came around - I want to see (and if possible photograph) the beauty all around me. I am constantly mired in reading/hearing about/talking about the horrors in life - murder and betrayal and mayhem, senseless pain, bad news. It is spiritually wearying to stay in that place, to listen to the din and the meanness and the anger. I wish I could just stick my head in the sand, but that wouldn't be a responsible thing to do. Instead, I will try to see and occasionally capture the beauty I live with every day. Nothing spectacular, but still, in its way, another reason to keep breathing. A good palate cleanser for all of the other stuff. I really will write more tomorrow. Until then, ta.


Anonymous said...

That last photo is superb, Anne! You could enter that into a photo contest!

Anonymous said...

Love the photos! And I love even more your New Year's resolution. Beautiful idea.

velocibadgergirl said...

Stunning photos, as usual! You rock! :)