24 January 2008

Today's photos - today!

Persimmon calyx

Witch hazel calyces. Speaking of this little tree-let - the Latin name is fun to say: Hamamelis virginiana. Which brings me to my favorite plant family name of all time (to say) - Hamamelidaceae. There's no need to remind me that I am a big nerd.

Hickory nut on snow. Unremarkable, but I like the interior architecture of the nut.

It just looks cold. And it is.

Winter flowers, part one. Not sure of the species - probably an aster of some kind.

Winter flowers, part two. I think they're so pretty - delicate.

Not much to add at the moment. I'll check in tomorrow.


LittlePea said...

Anne! Came by to get caught up. I hope things are going well with you. I always enjoy looking at your photos. And I just want to say again that I'm not around every day--blogwise, but if you ever need a talk you can always email me...Have a good weekend.

LiVEwiRe said...

You say you're a big nerd.... which I read just AFTER I'm done repeating your favorite family name. Guess there's always room for another!

No Milk Please said...

i've always wondered about winter flowers and why it happens when there are no butterflies and other flying creatures to spread pollen...

cool pics!

Mariposa said...

Hi Anne, hope you're all well...

And yes, anything beautiful are always delicate...so take care yourself...Miss Beautiful! ;)
