22 January 2008

Yesterday's photos...today!

Ahem. Yes, I know. Yet more Phragmites. These are a different set than I usually photograph. Really, they are! I just can't resist the cottony tops and the way they move in the wind!

Crows heading to roost. Thousands of these guys gather near the river every night - I see them on my way to class. It's a truly spectacular sight. This smallish group was headed southeast over the lab; they're about 4 miles (as the crow flies, hardy har har) from where they'll rest for the night.

Some sort of shelf fungi....phylum Basidiomycota. I'm not good enough to guess at the genus or species! Gotta get on that....

Deer and turkey trail in the woods.

Turkey track extravaganza!

Dainty hoofprint.

Another blurry shot that I'm posting anyway because I like it. Looks like a little green heart! (Lamium purpureum - purple deadnettle)

This sign makes me laugh - not because it's inherently humorous, but because I am an official Authorized Personnel. Who would ever have thought such a thing?! Not me. Also - I like the skull.

Good morning. I am feeling slightly better today, which is nice. Not much time to write right now - just wanted to get these rather non-fabulous photos up! I will check in later today, possibly. Until then... ta.


Mariposa said...

Breath taking photos as usual...they're beautiful, like you!

You may want to join Wordless Wednesday to others can appreciate your photos...I have the link in my site...yes, you have to there...you need to go out often right?! ;)


LiVEwiRe said...

Nice to hear you're feeling somewhat better. I'm pretty sure that it has something to do with those glorious turkey tracks!!! Lots of them around here but I've not been lucky enough to see tracks in snow. I truly hope today ended well for you, too.

velocibadgergirl said...

That is a great skull!

I'm also loving all the tracks :)