31 January 2008

I don't know the technical name for this thing, but it keeps the guide wire over the trees tight. I know how to use it, but I don't know what to call it. The shape of it is nifty, though.

More winter flowers - love the shapes.

Yet another sky shot. It's so hard to resist, what with the light and color and shifting shapes. It's just so lovely!

Another repeat - the grape vine. Really, it's difficult not to take scads of pictures of these tendrils - every single one is beautiful and differently twisted and unique. So pretty.

I don't have as much time to write as I thought I would. Basically, things are ok, though I was the woman of a thousand thumbs last night in clinical. The patient was never in danger, but I'm sure he was convinced that I had somehow hatched directly from an egg, skipped through to the point of being a nursing student, and appeared at his bedside. It was not a good night.

Anyhow... yeah. I have therapy again tonight, but (and this is a bit of a problem with me) I don't really feel like I need it right now. I'm going along doing fine at this moment, and I know I will sit there and blow smoke the entire time I'm sitting across from this therapist. Then, when the last five minutes roll around, I will say something striking, and then we will be all out of time, and then next time we meet, I will have forgotten what I wanted to say. Can't cancel now, though. Too late. I will try to get something out of it. At any rate, that's all... I'm off now. I'll check back in tomorrow. Ta.


Anonymous said...

Avoiding things and procrastinating use up a lot of energy. Maybe it would be easier to deal with what's going on inside, to let it out into the light of day and then just deal with it. And yes, I know it's scary. Beyond scary.

Rurality said...

Your sky shot looks almost like the kind of clouds needed for sun dogs! I saw another one this week. I'm trying to remember to *look* for them. I think they're easier to see in winter.

LittlePea said...

Maybe you could write down a few things you'd like to talk about to save for when you get to therapy? You're so brave.