31 March 2008

Hey there, folks!

Inside my beloved Gator

Foxtail grass in a potted tree

Shepherd's purse, potted tree

Farm equipment

First apple blooms, horticulture greenhouse

Hi there. How were your weekends? Mine was ok. Busy, lots of cooking and housework and studying (not enough of those two latter; I cooked like a maniac, though). I'm starting the week off tired, which kind of sucks. Meh. I completely forgot to take my meds all weekend, so I wonder if the tiredness and semi-poor attitude has anything to do with that? I have no idea. I'm back on them again, thank goodness.

Not much new to report. It's raining and cold and horrible here today. I pruned trees for something like 45 minutes before I had to retreat - sleet/snow/freezing rain drove me out of the orchard and back to the lab. It's discouraging because I'm such a molasses-slow pruner that every moment really does count. However, slush building up on the ladder rungs lends the job a bit more danger than I should probably be chancing, especially given my general lack of grace. I don't need any extra assistance in falling off of a ladder, thank you very much. I guess I'll be spending the rest of the day scrubbing apple boxes in the greenhouse. Which is also very cold, but at least it's under cover.

I guess that's it. Snore. Maybe more tomorrow - we shall see. One of these days I will write something vaguely interesting - I promise! Until later, then, ta.


No Milk Please said...

hope that spring comes and stays instead of this back and forth that's going on. lovely pics!

LittlePea said...

I've never seen an apple blossom before.

LiVEwiRe said...

You have a Gator? I'm SO jealous!