08 January 2007

Grey Monday... and my friend Hugh, just for old time's sake

Hugh Laurie, fictitious doc extraordinaire. Cute, too.
It's raining and chilly this morning, as grey as grey can be. Thankfully, though, my mood doesn't coincide with the damp drizzliness. I had a pretty good workout at the Y, which always helps start my day off on the right foot. My knee is once again resembling a balloon more than an actual functional joint, but I'm doing ok. I have a recheck appointment tomorrow; I'm sure we'll be setting a date for surgery. I'm not too thrilled about the prospect of being cut open and subequently crutching around, but this inflammation must be stopped... and so surgery it shall be. Ah, yes... the riveting details of my life! The weekend was ok. The most exciting part was probably when I bought myself new underwear, socks, and bra on Saturday, which goes to show you just how electrifying my life truly is. Still and all - it's always nice to have new underthings. I got a prescription for Wellbutrin on Friday. I haven't filled it yet, but I will. Well, that's all I've got at the moment. I've got so much work to do today that I'm too distracted to think of anything to write... and so - ta for now.


Leslie said...

Need undergarments? Maybe not electrifying (do you really want to electrify those parts, literally speaking?) but comforting (and suportive!) nonetheless. :)

LiVEwiRe said...

My knee is having sympathy pains for your knee. (Who said the internet is impersonal? Sheesh!) But of course, Mr. Laurie can help. Hmm, wonder what the chances of you getting your very own "Dr. G. House" would be once you finally get to the hospital? Give the Wellbutrin a shot. And give it some time. You deserve a better 2007! =)

Anonymous said...

Are your undies boring or sexy? just curious!

anne said...

I don't usually answer comments IN comments, so perhaps no one will see my answers here...

L - no, I don't suppose actual electrification would be an especially good element in an undergarment. however, new stuff is always so comfortable! and, of course, supportive.

Live - I'm thinking that one of my presurgical demands will be that I have Dr. House by my side. Once they put me under light sedation, I'm sure they can convince me that whoever is tableside is Dr. H., which would be just fine. Also - yes, I will definitely be giving the Wellbutrin a shot. Thanks for the good wishes!

Ron - They're.... cute, I suppose. Sexy is generally in the eye of the beholder, I would guess. Most important - they are new, and they are comfortable.