30 January 2007

No disclosure...

...but I really do wish I could talk openly and honestly about what's going on in my life right now. Unfortunately, I really can't; I can only allude and write how I'm feeling, sans details. One thing I (re)learned today is that people are horribly judgmental. I suppose we're all judgmental in one way or another, and sometimes that judgmentalism is understandable and maybe even expected. However, it shouldn't be that way. Here in my utopian world, at any rate. I've been all over the map in terms of my emotions over the past several days - weeping with despair one moment, triumphantly hopeful the next. Probably reality will land me somewhere in the middle. Eventually. I expect this vacillation will go on for awhile, though. I'm trying to keep my thoughts and actions positive - that's really the best I can do right now. Well, off to school with me. More on the morrow.

1 comment:

lu said...

I know that twisting and turning.
You aren't crazy. I think sometimes it's like thrashing through the covers, looking for a lost earring- a favorite pair- a perfect pair- and we're running late. It's ourselves we look for and we put so much pressure because we have to find the match to the perfect image that we think we should be. Funny thing- I'm most judgmental about other people whom I perceive to be perfect.

Does that even make sense?