05 January 2007

I'm off to see the wizard!

Or, rather, the doctor. I have to have a physical prior to clinicals. I am going to ask her about getting a prescription for an antidepressant. I have come to a point wherein I am simply not functioning. I'm lost, and I don't have the energy to find myself. I haven't really let on about it here, but depression is definitely sucking me down into a black void. To be more honest, I've pretty much been living in a black void; it's just getting worse now. Add to that some truly awful relationship issues and I just can't see my way clear to getting better on my own. Some part of me feels as though I'm giving up, taking the wimpy way out. The other parts of me, though, know that my life will get worse by degrees until I land back at suicidal again - and I really don't want that. And so it goes - the medication route. Wish me luck. Over and out until Monday. Ta.


Anonymous said...

I don't believe that taking meds is the wimpy way out. It takes strength to see that you need help beyond what you can give yourself. Don't let your dad's ideas of what "strength" is define how you live your life. I'm glad you're doing this, BF.

lu said...

Good! Ditto what shannon said.
Your brave to take charge. Go for it.

Leslie said...

There is nothing wimpy about recognizing your obstacles - we all have them! - and taking the steps necessary to overcome them. In fact, it takes great courage to do so for two reasons: you first have to admit that you even have said limitation and then you have to muster again the strength to figure out how to tackle it.