17 May 2007


...the lack of posting - and the lack of perusing my fellow bloggers blogs - it is killing me. I have no time at all to blog, other than to string together one or two thoughts and then I'm off again. I could really use the writing outlet, as there is much to write/cogitate about happening in my life right now. However, there are moldy apple boxes to be soaked and scrubbed. I am ON FIRE with excitement over this particular mission. On fire, I say. Fire. In other news, I keep having dreams about my ex. We're talking dreams for almost every night, nigh on six months now. These are not bad dreams in any sense, though I always wake up feeling very sad. I'm not one to pick dreams apart, but I would guess these dreams have at least a smidgeon of meaning. I'm not in the mood to do a public analysis, though. Moving on. I had a little bit of a revelation today - barring any bodily catastrophe, I could succeed anywhere. I could live anywhere, I could do with far less than I have right now, and I would be fine. I don't really have a lot right now, not being of the materialistic bent nor of a flush income... but I do have plenty. And I could part with it. Most of what I prize is letters and cards from people, and a few cherished items of clothing. There are a few knick knacks too, I suppose, but not a lot. All of my desire to hold onto these things comes from the fact that I love the people who gave them to me, love them wholly and still. And moving, for that matter. At any rate, I hope to be able to read some blogs tomorrow, and maybe to write more than these little scraps. Ta for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The title of your blog made me smile. Thanks.
