22 May 2007

Sorry for the silence.

Once again, I have a lot on my mind - stuff from the old days, so to speak, that is making me think about why I have done some of the things that I have in my life. These musings are not new, but I feel as though I abandoned my search for answers a few years ago. I think I'm ready to start looking again. I'm not sure I should write about the things I really need to on this blog - there are too many who know me here, and I don't want to inadvertently hurt or scare anyone. There's nothing to be worried about - I have no plans to hurt myself, and I'm not going to be talking about anyone but me by name if the information is negative. What I'm thinking about is just too sensitive for this space. I suppose that begs the question, "Why put it out there at all?" I guess the answer is this: maybe I can help someone with my words, and maybe someone can help me. If you're interested in reading what I write elsewhere, you're free to email me at: annebrev@hotmail.com Meanwhile, I'll try to post here more regularly with the usual boring banter of my life. Speaking of which, I have some new cat pictures to share with you all! I can hear the collective intake of breath - your excitement is almost palpable. I'll post them at lunch! Ta for now.

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