23 March 2007

Signs of spring... or perhaps just weedy vigor

Capsella bursa-pastoris,
Shepherd's purse
This critter is blooming away out in the (still cold) greenhouse, in one of the apple tree pots. I have a great fondness for weeds, so, though it's not supposed to be there and at some point I'm going to have to uproot it, I was happy to see this fellow alive and flowering.
Spring is officially here, and for that I am glad. I'm not very excited about the flimsier fashions of the season, though I've started back to the gym AT LAST (cross your collective fingers for my knee)... but all in all? I love spring. It always tussles with autumn for the season of my heart. I love the softness of the air, the bird song, and of course the bursting forth of greenery. All the new life - baby birds, fawns, new leaves - it's all quite heartwarming.
I have no plans for the weekend, other than a major scrub-down of the house and many hours of studying. What are you doing?
I don't have much else to say. Miscellany:
I was disappointed by "Stranger Than Fiction," for which I had high hopes. I was looking for something funny and light and a twist from the usual...and what I got was all the funny scenes in the previews, and a much darker (and less fanciful) movie than I'd expected. It wasn't a bad movie, and I really liked Maggie Gyllenhaal in her role. The other characters were enjoyable, but too sketched, not fleshed out enough. Anyhow... moving on.
I had my first male patient on Wednesday night. It wasn't as traumatic as I'd worried it would be. That's mostly because my patient was awesome. He's a WWII veteran, where he was a medic, so he's pretty familiar with everything I was doing. He was also very patient, interesting to talk to, and still has a ponytail. I really enjoyed working with him. At some point, I might actually become a nurse. Stranger things have happened.
That's all, folks. Veddy, veddy dull. Sorry.
If I don't post again today - happy weekends to you all!


Roxanne said...

I decided it was officially spring when I heard the frogs and toads chirping out in our swamp at 10 pm. It was a very welcome sound.

I hope your knee holds up for you. Have you tried water exercise at all? I've had a lot of people in my class that said it was terrific therapy for there post-op knee. No jarring but plenty of good exercise.

LittlePea said...

Oh Spring. I love it too. Even the air smells new. Does that make sense?

I'm sure your knee will get stronger with light exercise. Surgery is not an easy thing to recover from. It's not like a flu or a cold. Just take your time....