21 March 2007

What does she win?

Apple buds, with foot.
Deb found the deer in the below post (and I re-found it after posting that I lost it, because hell, if someone who didn't take the picture can find it, I should certainly be able to!)... and asked what she'd won. Which made me think - what could I give her? I look around my office, my lab, outside... and there's really nothing one would want, unless perhaps one wanted a plastic petri dish. I think I could part with one of those without a problem. I also have extra glassware in abundance, lots of chemicals, and of course snow. But she already has that last. Anyhow, her question made me wish I could reach out to you few who read physically (as in a letter or some such). Not to be weird at all, it's just... it would be cool to see someone's actual handwriting (who I've read), or to get a leaf or a twig from where they live. Yes, I know that latter is entirely me, but seriously - how cool would that be for a botany geek such as myself?
At any rate, if nothing else, I have lots of petri dishes to give away.
This post, as inadequate as it is, spurs thoughts of a better post. Given that I'm a bit busy right now, I'll have to address it later. Until then, ta... and - good eye, Deb!


Anonymous said...

I would so be into a twig exchange program!

And you have pussy willows? Hmph. I need to live in a more moderate environment. It's still full-fledged winter here. -15C. Hmph.

LittlePea said...

I would happy to send you a leaf or two or three...

Rurality said...

My handwriting has grown so bad that you wouldn't be at all impressed! But leaves and twigs I could handle... or a postcard?

I'm glad you left a comment on mine, because I really like your blog! I realize that you might not have been enjoying the happiest of times lately, but I really love that you can find the humor in a word like "wimpo" right in the middle of it. :)

Roxanne said...

I often wonder what people's handwriting looks like. I also still love getting actual hand written letters from people (which may be connected).

I like the leaf/twig exchange program idea. If only I had been part of one of these back in high school when I got a "D" on my leaf collection in Biology (still fuming from that one!).

Anonymous said...

I'm a nurse. I don't just have a good eye, I can smell poop from the end of the hallway. Important skills. Oh, and a good sense of humor, black humor doesn't hurt either.